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Orange Coast College Graduation Requirements INSTITUTIONAL STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (SLOs) (ISLOs) 1. Communication: Students will communicate effectively, which includes: Reading: Students will be able to comprehend and interpret various types of written information in prose and in documentation. Writing: Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate thoughts, ideas and information in writing. Listening: Students will be able to receive, attend to, interpret and respond appropriately to verbal and/or nonverbal messages and cues. Speaking: Students will be able to organize ideas and communicate verbal or non-verbal messages and cues appropriate to the audience and the situation. Non-verbal: Students will be able to interpret and communicate nonverbal messages and cues. 2. Thinking Skills: Students will think critically, which includes: Critical, creative and analytical thinking: Students will be able to reach decisions, solve problems, and make judgements and evaluations using critical, creative and analytical skills. Quantitative reasoning: Students will develop and demonstrate problem-solving skills by using critical thinking and logical reasoning. Information competency: Students will demonstrate abilities to determine the extent of information needed; obtain data from various sources; evaluate the information and its sources critically; cite their sources correctly to avoid plagiarism; and understand the ethical and legal issues surrounding the use of information. Technological competency: Students will demonstrate a firm grounding in the foundational concepts of computing in information technology; apply these concepts through the use of contemporary hardware, software and network infrastructure; and access, interpret, and apply information that facilitates learning and critical inquiry. 3. Social and Global Awareness: Students will demonstrate a measurable understanding of the world, which includes: Science and society: Students will apply critical thinking skills concerning the causes and effects of natural phenomena and will become familiar with the rational approach that researchers use to analyze data and formulate logical conclusions. The arts and society: Students will develop skill sets associated with the arts by analyzing aesthetic qualities, evaluating and devising rational arguments, identifying cultural and historical influences, and engaging in artistic expression and experiences. Social diversity: Students will describe how knowledge from different cultural and moral perspectives would affect their interpretations of prominent problems in politics, society, the arts and /or global relations. Civics: Students will use theoretical and methodological principles of the social and behavioral sciences to explain and evaluate the human experience; describe institutional, group, and individual processes across social and global contexts or historical periods; and communicate the concepts, theories, and methods used to understand social, political, economic institutions and individual behavior. 4. Personal Development and Responsibility: Students will demonstrate personal development and responsibility, which includes Self-management: Students will be able to accurately assess their own knowledge, skills and abilities; motivate self and set realistic goals; accept that taking feedback well is important to success; respond appropriately to challenging situations. Social and emotional wellness: Students will engage in self-evaluation in regard to social and emotional wellbeing, and will demonstrate an awareness of the skills and behaviors necessary to develop plans for behavior change for the achievement of satisfactory relationships on an individual, community and societal level. Physical wellness: Students will manage personal health and physical fitness by actively applying appropriate principles for the development and implementation of a plan of health and fitness-enhancing behaviors. Workplace/professional skills: Students will be dependable, reliable and accountable; meet deadlines and complete tasks; maintain a professional attitude; and work as a productive member of a team. Ethics: Students will demonstrate individual moral responsibilities toward themselves and others. CONTINUOUS ATTENDANCE AND CATALOG RIGHTS: For graduation (AA Degree or AS Degree) students may follow the catalog requirements that were in effect for the academic year when their attendance began at Orange Coast College or follow the catalog requirements in effect during subsequent years of attendance provided that continuous enrollment has been maintained. Continuous enrollment is defined as enrollment in a course at Orange Coast College for at least one semester in a calendar year. The student must receive a grade of A, B, C, D, F, P, NP, W, I or IP for the course. The Academic Petition Council may authorize or require substitutions for discontinued courses. Catalog rights do not apply to the certification of general education for transfer. Students must follow the general education pattern in effect when they petition for certification. Courses used for certification must be on the approved list at the time they are taken. REQUIREMENTS FOR ADDITIONAL ASSOCIATE DEGREES: A. General Education requirements earned for one associate degree may be applied toward an additional associate degree. B. A student who holds a degree from any regionally accredited institution may earn an additional associate degree in a specific major. C. A candidate for an additional associate degree must complete the requirements for a separate major at Orange Coast College, including an additional 12 or more major-related units of credit at Orange Coast College beyond the requirements for the prior or additional degree. D. A student must complete all the required courses listed in the current catalog for the specific major(s) and general education. E. In the case of programs that offer two or more options, a student may earn an additional associate degree by completing the requirements of those options. F. A student may obtain an associate degree for transfer (AA-T/AS-T) and an associate degree (AA/AS) in a different major without an additional 12 units. G. A student may obtain an associate degree for transfer(AA-T/AS-T) and an associate degree (AA/AS) in the same major without the additional 12 units of course work. 36