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Academic, Career & Certificate Programs ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY TECHNICIAN COMMERCIAL ART CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT ART SERVICES Employment possibilities include: Holter Monitor Technician ECG Technician Monitor (Telemetry) Technician Pacemaker Technician Stress Testing Technician CERTIFICATE OF SPECIALIZATION This certificate is designed to prepare students seeking careers as exhibition designers and museum and gallery professionals. The training program includes consideration of the total visual presentation, design, and production of exhibitions and public & media promotions in cultural institutions such as museums and galleries. The program also includes training in the handling, storage and cartage of cultural objects. Program Outcomes Students will be prepared for entry-level employment as a professional and competent Cardiovascular Technologist to meet the needs of the local health care community. Program prerequisites: Health Occupations Medical Terminology Anatomy-Physiology Basic gallery practices in archiving, registration processes and related art management techniques are covered. Students are encouraged to work toward an Associate of Arts degree to accompany this certificate. In addition, students with a BA or MA/MFA in Studio Art or Art History could use this certificate to enhance their marketable skills in the field. ALH A010 .5 ALH A111 3 BIOL A221 4 Program Outcomes Required Courses 1. Exhibit skills in Exhibition Design and Museum & Gallery management. 2. Create a portfolio of accomplishments in Exhibition Design and Curating including a prospectus for an exhibition of the student’s own design and curation. Course Units FALL Patient Care Intro to Electrocardiography Cardiac Anat & Pathophysiology SPRING Human Diseases Intro to Invasive Cardiology Adv Electrocardiography ECG Clinical Experience ALH CVT CVT A115 A100 A160 2.5 2 3 ALH CVT CVT CVT A120 A130 A150 A170 2 3 2 5 Total Units Suggested elective: Ethics PHIL/RLST A120 27 3 Students are required to obtain a grade of “C” or better in all required courses. 3. Show competence in the skills associated with handling Artworks for shipping, transportation and exhibiting as well as basic under- standing of museum protocols regarding registration and archiving techniques. Required Courses Course Units First Semester Color and Design: Two-Dimensional Exhibition Design 1 Second Semester Color and Design: Three-Dimensional Exhibition Design 2 Third Semester Contemporary Art History Professional Studies ART ART A110 A145 3 3 ART ART A111 A245 3 3 ART ART A102 A180 3 2.5 Total Units 17.5 87